Short term loans – Execute your needs instantly

Whenever you face financial crises you try to get financial help from your relatives or friends but now you are not required to get embarrassed in front of them as short term loans provide you instant financial help. These loans are the one of the best options to avail money at the time of financial crises. You can easily execute your urgent needs with these cash advances.


Short term loans, as the name suggest that these are short period loans and offer you immediate financial help ranging from £100 to £1500 for the period of 14 to 31 days. These loans are collateral free so there is no requirement for arranging for valuable assets. These loans are granted immediately by the lender. There is no formality of faxing of documents or bank statement etc. people with poor credit history like default, insolvency, late payment etc can also apply for these loans.

How to apply for these loans?

Borrower can apply for these loans through online application form with some basic details and then submit it. The loan amount is transferred to your account just within 24 hours of approval. Since online facility is provided by these loans so there is requirement of visiting the lenders office or standing long queues.

Who can apply for these loans?

In order to get financial help from these loans the borrowers are required to fulfill certain conditions-

  1. The applicant should be permanent citizen of UK and should be an adult with the age of 18 years or above.

  2. He should have permanent bank account under his name in UK itself which should not be more than six months old.

  3. The borrower should also be a regular employed from the past six month within the same organization.

  4. He should earn the minimum salary of at least £1000 per month so that will be able to repay back the loan amount on time.

  5. He should have permanent residential address in UK itself


The loans amount can be used for fulfilling numerous needs like medical need, small function, wedding, car repair, household bill or other expenses etc. Higher interest can be avoided by just looking for the lower rates on the internet. Thus short term loans are very much useful at the time of need.