Auto Insurance DUI – A Must Have For Every Driver

Among several types of auto insurance available, the auto insurance DUI is the most important. When you are driving, there may be dangers on the way to hurl you into an accident or collision with the other vehicle. But, if you drink and drive, there is possibility of accident at every turn of your vehicle’s wheels. Moreover, accidents occur without ringing the bell of warning. Since, the insurance companies are very much aware of this fact, they have come up with these insurance policies which help individuals to cover the damages if they ever face such situation in a car accident. The DUI (Driving Under Influence) insurance comes in handy to cover the damages caused by an accident which occurs as a result of careless driving under alcoholic influence.

If you have purchased auto insurance DUI, it will help you to cover the damages to your vehicle. Apart from, it will provide you to pay compensation to the injured party for medical treatments and the damages hurled to his vehicle. There are several insurance companies that offer this insurance to individuals provided they meet their requirements. One of the most important factors that are considered by the insurance companies before they allow you to purchase the auto insurance DUI, is your driving record. Since, the record carries an individual’s driving details, the insurance companies will not fail to check it. Depending on your past driving history, the insurance companies will determine the premium rates for you.

Besides your driving history, another factor, considered vital by an insurance company that offers you auto insurance DUI, is the specification of your vehicle. This includes the age of the car, safety features, horse power and the capacity of the car engine. This is taken into consideration because the insurance providers believe that the speedier the car is, the more chances are there of it getting damaged in an accident .

When you are purchasing auto insurance DUI, the insurance companies will also check your criminal record to verify whether you have violated any traffic rules or not. In contrast to this insurance if you own a Harley Davidson bike then you have to purchase a Harley motorcycle insurance policy to cover the damages if you are ever involved in an accident. Among the various brands of motorcycle, the Harley Davidson motorcycles are considered the best in their design and function. Since, no two models of this brand are the same, the risk of getting it stolen is the highest.

If you are planning to purchase Harley motorcycle insurance then keep note of the fact that it is quite expensive. There are several factors that push the cost of this insurance policy. This is mainly because in the arena of motorcycles, the Harley Davidson bikes are considered supreme. This title is justified because these bikes have excellent quality and durability. The riders have two options to purchase the Harley motorcycle insurance policy. They can either approach the general insurance companies or Harley Davidson insurance providers.

If you approach the general insurance providers to purchase the Harley motorcycle insurance, then you have to pay high premium rates. Along with this, the companies will not cover a wide area in the clauses of the insurance policy. Thus, if you purchase the Harley motorcycle insurance from Harley Davidson insurance providers, you will pay low-volume monthly premiums and it will offer wide coverage.