Panama Anonymous Bearer Share Corporations

Panama Bearer Share Corporation Features & Benefits:

Panama is one of the few offshore tax havens in the world where you can form a truly anonymous bearer share corporation. Under Panama law a bearer share corporation can be formed that is owned by the physical person in possession of the physical certificates of stock with no recorded owner on record anywhere. The government of Panama does not even know who the owner of the offshore corporation is since owners names do not appear in any public registry or database. Shares for a Panama Corporation do not have to have the owners name on them and they do not have to be kept in Panama and can be kept anywhere. The books and records do not have to be kept in Panama either. If the offshore corporation is Panamanian, conducts banking in Panama, has a corporate resident address in Panama yet has only income that is offshore derived to Panama the corporation pays no Panama taxes and does not even need to file a Panama tax return. This is a true bearer share corporation operating in a legitimate offshore tax haven.

When sending and receiving wires from a Panama Bank Account under the Panama Corporation name, no one monitoring the wires can tell who the owners of the corporation are. It is just like the old Swiss numbered bank accounts that are long gone except a corporation name is used instead of a number. Panama now has over 400,000 corporations registered for a reason – it is a great jurisdiction. Each offshore corporation pays $300 a year in tax (that is your total tax liability with Panama assuming your money is offshore derived), which totals $120,000,000 and this is for a country with 2.9 million people. The Panama Canal nets Panama $335,000,000 with 9,000 employees. How many people are required to run a corporate filing dept., maybe 200? Panama is a country very unlikely to upset their offshore tax haven reputation, which is why all these corporations are here.

No Panamanian Database for Corporate Ownership Registry

While the Panamanian attorney may have knowledge of the individual(s) who formed the company, they will not have knowledge of others he or she may have passed the corporation stock certificates to some time after the formation. Transfers don’t need to be reported and the new owner(s) are not on file. The only requirement is the new owners need to have the shares of the corporation in their physical possession. Transferring the stock certificates is as simple as passing it from one set of hands to another. The new person in possession of he stocks may reside anywhere, they are allowed to be a judicial person like an offshore corporation, foundation or be a trust in another country, etc. This makes trailing the stocks extremely difficult, time consuming, expensive and generally not feasible. It would be impossible to determine how many times the share certificates may have been transferred. There is no ownership database for anyone to look into, period.

Since Panama has no tax treaties of any sort with any country limiting the source of fishing expeditions. In future, Panama may sign double taxation treaties, but it will not sign any Tax Information Sharing Agreements. The nominee Directors names are recorded publically but they are not the owners they are provided as employees of the corporation. Also provided will be the three required directors complete with signed and undated letters of resignation. Your nominee directors will not know your identity. Transference of the share certificates can occur privately with no record of sale appearing anywhere. The directors can be replaced at the request of the new owner(s) any time. A blank bill of sale for the corporation can be provided by the law firm in the event it is sold or transferred, it will signed by the nominee directors and provided as an extra service, see our price list. It is possible to use three different anonymous Panama Bearer Share Corporations instead of nominee directors, this makes for a more confusing harder to follow trail but it can be so hard to follow the banks will not let you open an account because the due diligence would be too difficult.

Ownership of Assets by the Anonymous Corporation

The Panama Bearer Share Corporation can own bank accounts, stock brokerage accounts, real estate, bonds, mortgages, boats, planes, cars, art, jewelry, businesses, to name a few valuable assets. It owns it without revealing the personal identities of the owners of the corporation (the bank records are secured by Panama Bank Secrecy Laws). If needed, complex strategies can be deployed using the law firm to perform legal functions for the corporation. For instance, Panama Private Interest Foundation could own the shares of a Panama Corporation freeing you of ownership. No natural person under Panama law can own a Foundation. However, you control the corporation and foundation through a legalized general power of attorney notarized and apostilled by the nominee directors. Additionally, you would be the signatory on the corporation or foundation bank accounts. We can provide a nominee founder for the foundation, it could have nominee foundation council members or a corporation in place of nominee council members. You may also choose to not even be a beneficiary or make the beneficiary another corporation. We can arrange for the foundation to not have a bank account. In a formal agreement we could make you the protector of the corporation, which is not recorded publicly anywhere, at would be a secret document. Finally, we could add in a formal agreement making you the investment manager or real estate manager for the corporation and/or foundation including terms of payment and employee benefits all signed, notarized and apostilled by the nominee directors or nominee council members. There is strong attorney client privilege in Panama. To learn more about these strategies go to:

Panama Foundations

Foundation Protectors

Bullet Proof Asset Protection

Secure Order Form

Bearer Share Corporation Banking in Panama

All licensed banks in the civilized will require a natural person as beneficial owner for any bank account and will also require certified identity documents for that person. Because of this, the bearer share corporation cannot be the signatory/beneficiary owner on the account. There are serious bank secrecy laws in place in Panama that provide for criminal and civil penalties for the bank and their employees if they break the laws. The clients could sue a Panama bank for violating bank secrecy and with the deep pockets they have they do not want such lawsuits. Panamanian Bank Secrecy Laws combined with anonymous Panama Bearer Share Corporations using one of the world class Panama Bank provides you a secure and private asset protection structure.

Let’s look at banking and wire transfers for a moment. You would have the exact same secrecy if you use a Panama Anonymous Bearer Share Corporation or a Panama Private Interest Foundation. Wires are received and sent from the corporation or foundation bank account. In the post 9/11 world, many governments, Central Banks and other entities monitor wire transfers. No one can determine whom the natural persons are that own the corporation shares when a Panama Bearer Share Corporation sends or receives a wire. If you were using a corporation not anonymous and formed in another country all they would have to do is open another computer and look up the corporation owners. This does not work in Panama because there are no public records containing names of owners. This in essence provides secrecy like the old Swiss Numbered Bank Account in that ownership cannot be determined. Welcome to Panama.

Attorney Legal Services

The attorney may act as your legal representative and collect rents on an income property your Panama Bearer Share Corporation owns to keep the ownership of the property concealed from the tenants and others. Panama bearer share corporations and foundations can be completed in 2-3 business days after all the information is submitted.

Unique Tax Benefits of the Panama Corporation

One nice benefit is there is no tax imposed by Panama on any offshore-derived income and no requirement to file any tax returns for the corporation if all of the corporate income was offshore derived to Panama. You can have an office in Panama, have a telephone in Panama, have a Panama Bearer Share Corporation, and Panama bank account for the corporation yet still no need to pay taxes or file Panama tax returns if all the income is offshore to Panama. Your income can come from payments made to you in Panama from entities not in Panama and no taxes due in Panama. For example if you decide to open a shoe store in Panama City then you would need to pay taxes on this income since it would be derived from onshore to Panama. If you sell goods or services to people who are not in Panama and they wired money to your Panama corporate bank account from outside of Panama this would be offshore-derived non-taxable income.

Panama Corporation Secrecy

Panama has no registry in which to record the names of owners of Panama Bearer Share Corporations. There is also no registry to record transfer of the corporation share certificates. To legally transfer the ownership of the Panama Bearer Share Corporation one need only hand the new owner the corporation share certificates. You could transfer corporate ownership three times per day without reporting it anywhere under Panama law.

Panama Corporations and Real Estate

Anonymous Bearer Share Panama Corporations own assets or real property anywhere around the world. To sell the property owned by the anonymous Panama Corporation one merely transfers the shares of the corporation to the buyer or new owner. If you own the corporation shares, then you in fact do own the corporation and in turn everything the corporation owns you own. It is also normal to get a general power of attorney (POA) and sell the real estate using this document to establish the fact that you have the control and ownership of the asset or real estate.

Remember there is no required reportage of the transfer of the corporation shares in Panama. A Panama Corporation (or Foundation) can anonymously own real estate anywhere in the world. One could readily transfer real estate or other assets to the Panama Corporation or Foundation in return for receiving an annuity. Your Panama Corporation could also make loans against real estate, autos, planes, boats, stocks, etc. thus stripping the equity or positive value in the property insulating it from financial enemies.

This could be accomplished with a line of credit secured by a mortgage or lien for the line of credit amount.

Panama Anonymous Bearer Share Company used for Trading Stocks, Forex, etc.

A Panama Corporation can lawfully invest anywhere in any sort of lawful investment vehicle. Panama has no capital gains taxation on any bank account or investment. We can assist you with opening up a Panama Stock Trading account allowing you to play 30 markets worldwide with online access. Panama stock brokerage account has secrecy very similar to Panama Banking Secrecy Act.

Work for Your Panama Corporation

You can form a Panama Bearer Share Corporation and be employed by the corporation. Your clients/customers could pay the corporation directly to the corporate bank account in Panama. The corporation then pays you as an employee. Panama has no rules for a Panama Corporation to adhere to for employee expenses. The Panama Corporation could pay all of your medical expenses including elective cosmetic expenses. The Panama Corporation pays the providers from its Panama bank account.

Panama Corporations can be utilized as a Holding Entity for Intellectual Property. The Panama Corporation can acquire these intellectual rights or licenses for this property.

Additional Advantages of Company Formation in Panama:

  • The annual fee or tax the Panama Government charges for Panamanian Corporations is only $300.00

  • Panama does not tax any offshore-derived income.

  • There are no requirements for paid in capital for opening a Panama bearer share Corporation, just nominative capital at $10,000.

  • The beneficial owner(s) name is not recorded in any database or registry.

  • No filing of financial statements or annual returns required by Panama

  • The shares of the Panamanian S.A. Corporation may be bearer share (anonymous). The articles of incorporation go into the public registry; these will list the nominee directors who are also the officers, not the owners. The registered agent also goes into the public registry.

  • There is no requirement for annual meetings. If you desire such meetings can be held anywhere; including via Internet.

  • Financial Records of the Panama Corporation can be kept anywhere

  • $2495 is the price of the complete Panama SA Corporation which includes the incorporation filing papers, the nominee directors, the first years taxes and fees, translations into English since papers come out of the public registry in Spanish, resignations for the three nominee directors, resolution authorizing the opening of the bank account, general power of attorney (POA). It is a complete package. Included in the $2495 is the opening of a bank account with a Panama Bank that does not have any branches outside of Panama and it is not necessary to travel to Panama. The minimum deposit is $1000.00 to open the bank account.

  • The yearly fees are $695.00 which includes directors, taxes, filing fees – everything.

Click here to read complete Corporation Law for Panama.

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