The Death of the Internet Marketer!

In today’s marketing world it is imperative to one’s success to have a system in place that actually works. Most folks that dabble in the Internet Marketing world tend to get frustrated, and then end up throwing in the towel. I believe that one of the main factors for this, is that people rarely see success right out of the gate. For this reason, by nature, we tend to be a little short sighted, and not give Internet Marketing a full shot in order to succeed.

If we are honest with ourselves, most are looking for the "Magic Button System" that will make us rich over night. I am hear to report, that is an illusion that has been created with all the fancy graphics and skilled copywriters that the internet has spawned.

The good news is, that there are legitimate ways to make money online, but to be honest it takes work. It starts with education. Rather than purchasing the next "Shiny Object" that promises you unlimited wealth. Do your own research, and due diligence. There is a forum on the internet that is the largest Internet Marketing forum on the web, and it is called the Warrior Forum. That is a good place to begin, and even continue your internet marketing education. There, you will find fellow marketer’s that are willing to help, and also willing to be hired. Great site, and I would highly recommend it.

Another reason that "Newbies" (marketing term for rookie) fail, is that they start promoting products that do not pay you for a month or so. This is where I ran into trouble early on in my marketing career. You get excited about a product, you want to promote it, and you go through your marketing budget, and end up devastated with the minimal results. Trust me, I know the feeling.

Truth be told, you have to stay the course, if you want to succeed. Also, the slick sales letters will have you believe you and your family will be sitting on the beach collecting checks in your Paypal account while you are there. Although that is possible, and that is what initially is why we all dive in, it tends to not be realistic. The truth is, if you want to succeed, it has to become a job. Like any other job that pays you, you have to put in the hours.

My suggestion to anyone that is either just entering, or still struggling, to pick one system, and stick with it. This system should be easy to follow. Should pay you at the point of sale, meaning immediately. And should be fairly simple to implement. After that, start to "Rinse and Repeat" to get the desired results that you are looking for.

Depending on how much time one has to put forth into their new found career, will depend on what style of marketing you will approach. Whether you like to blog, write articles, post on forums, or work the classifieds, stick with it, and you will eventually hit pay dirt. When that day comes, it will light a fire in you, and turn your mindset around.