How is an Internet Business Like Rugby Union?

How on earth can I relate my passion for the game of Rugby (Union) to my other passion of Internet Marketing or an Internet Business?

It would seem a bizarre connection and on the face if it I would agree!

Trust me the connection is closer that you think ……stick with me on this – it will all make sense!

I developed my passion for rugby at school where I starting playing at the age of 10 and I consistently played for the 1st team through the rest of my time there. Inevitably I became a passionate supporter and follower of the game and despite my playing days being long gone I continue to carry the passion with me. Like most ex-players I long to be the match winner of one last game!

These days I have to revel in the glory of Bath and England and suffer their pains in defeat as well.

Rugby is a game of intricate skills, quick thinking, intelligent thought processes mixed with huge physical power and fitness. When two 6’5", 20 Stone forwards hit each other at full speed it really is an awesome sight. Their determination to win and acceptance that they must put their bodies in the path of danger and pain to succeed for their team is admirable.

In a contact sport this is a diverse range of requirements for each individual.

Despite this the thing that stands out is the respect for the rules, acceptance of the referee’s decision, respect of their opponents, humble in defeat, and admiration of the best teams and players in the world whom they use as the drive to improve and learn from.

In a hugely competitive environment this is what I admire most about the game.

The game of rugby has ultimately had a big influence on the way I live my life and the rules and morals by which I abide by.

There is a saying that rugby is ‘a game for thugs played by gentlemen’.

Compare that to the ‘world’s game’ in the guise of football/soccer! All the cheating, moaning, arguments and lack of respect! That is another blog post I think.

What has this got to do with my Internet Business?

Can you see the connection yet? Yes? No? …..Well let me spell it out.

Internet marketing is a hugely pressurised and competitive environment – like rugby. Passions run high and we all want to succeed as quickly as we can – like rugby. Pride tells us that our system or team is the best. The rewards can be so high in financial terms so the temptation is to cheat and bend the rules. How?

Maybe trying to sell a poor quality product to people knowing that is of no value.

Maybe not sharing ideas or the latest tip with someone else for fear they will succeed quicker than you.

Spam people with poor products just to get their money.

If Google, Facebook or YouTube ban your account because of your spamming or poor quality it is too easy to blame them for not understanding or they got it wrong.

Whatever you may think, there are rules in Internet Marketing as well and we all need to respect them and abide by them. If not we will damage your own reputation as well as that of the industry.

So like rugby the owner of an internet business must:

Respect the rules of the internet.

Accept the decision of the rule makers.

Respect your opponents and competitors.

Be humble in your internet business.

Show admiration of the leaders and top achievers in the world.

Use these people as your inspiration to improve and learn from.

Don’t be a cheat like the soccer player; be honourable like the rugby player.

Make sure this is part of your marketing strategy and see how your reputation grows.