Gold Bullion Towers of Profit

Gold Bullion Towers of Profit

Has Gold Become the New Global Money?

Climbing the wall

By Drake Funes

Potential US money controls & Gold Selling Regulation is coming soon in some form or another more than likely through a bill or as an attachment to another bill, the point is how can such regulation affect you or your business ability to move needed capital where it must be moved.

This potential new regulation may require some kind of time period of approval to move funds and can also affect swift code bank wires as well as other swift code sources operating from within the US, now can such existential regulation affect Business instruments such as letters of credit is this all possible?

There are millions of signs to be observed as the US economy fails to respond to life support i.e. stimulus funds, bank bailouts, Corporate bailouts and more expected, purportedly to help stimulate consumption spending and job creation, however this has not happened in fact more businesses are closing their doors or are either laying off in mass all together.

US policy makers are likened to a once great boxer now well pass his prime who refuse to accept the fact that he must change his way of operating and accept the fact that he has no stamina, no strength, no legs, no punching power in fact there are no indications that this former once great boxer ever actually had any boxing skills if having no prior knowledge of him was the case, it is the fact that everyone new once upon a time he was great why anyone remembers his name at all.

Take a look at the once great boxer’s current boxing profile

Reach 24’’ disadvantage arthritic joint extremities

Height 6’ with severe osteoporosis

Weight 378 lbs clearly obese suffering from high cholesterol levels as well as high blood pressure combined with prostate and circulation problems along with a dozen or more additional ailments

Fight History 60 wins 100 loses

Age 55

His opponent young skilled fast talented new world class fighter highly ambitious

Reach 27’’/ height 6’/ weight 190/ fight history 50 wins 05 loses, the point here is the world will not rescue America, the reckless behavior of congress the Fed the military the courts and big banks committing corporate crimes have all but eviscerated what’s left of America, if the masses in America do not stand up to replace this vile destructive system and replace it with one that represents the entire populous designed with sustainability and equity at its anatomical core , it may very well be lights out for America and the 300 million that make up this once great nation.

It is said that the more rules politicians make the more corrupt they are, the current administration in America has created more laws, more government agencies including dozens of new regulations than any other administration in US history.

Unfortunately 97% of these new laws and regulations do not address the very core of problems facing the nation they simply serve who they have always served, the BANKING ELITE, BIG CORPORATE/BIG MEDICAL /BIG GOVERNMENT/TOP 10% WEALTHY / BIG MILITARY & HIDDEN HAND SHADOW ELITE at the expense of the American masses ,change which only they could believe in.


The only solution policy makers ever arrive at is to regulate/tax/monitor and tax some more

Economic Financial Chess Board Moves for the masses:

Cut back your expenses by 30%

Inform people without giving away solutions that the enemy can use on us in reverse

Maintain a sensible level of silence and ambiguity

Increase your revenue or income by 33% through entrepreneurship vs. limitations of a job

Use legal structures to own, manage and control your assets rather than having them in your personal name

Establish outside of your home country a new domicile which meets all of your needs or at least 75% of them

Establish international commerce

Live intelligently frugal and selectively Extravagant

Research Topics of importance in-depth and suspend all bias and favoritism

Always travel light

Invest in your health for optimization

Gold regulation in the US will have a negative impact in the Gold markets affecting both independent sellers and buyers and as expected more taxation, these regulation plans are set to begin as early as 2011 or 2012.

Gold prices spiked again today to another record high $1320 the conditions in America today are becoming ripe for problems unimaginable, in this modern age Gold Enterprising can enable you to circumvent these events by allowing you to fully access the Precious Metals Industry with income revenue opportunities which abound without limitations (An Important Note to Remember).

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