Change Your Thinking to have Financial Security

To create a stable financial foundation, it is important to review your past remembering your restraining opinions and worries around money. Reviewing your financial history and thinking patterns will help you identify the blockages to your financial security. Being mindful of your financial obstacles gives you the opportunity figure out when you accepted these thoughts. It will also help you eventually reconfigure your financial plan to be financially secure. It’s astonishing that people are repressed by restricting anxieties and views about money. This understanding of money has been rooted in us from our experiences, environment and what we were told about money.

I use a three step process to help my clients understand their money attitude. The three steps are realization, perception and remodeling. The first step is to become conscious of your money mental blocks. The next step is to comprehend when and where these beliefs started. After you have determined what the limits are and their origin, the final step is restructuring that specific thought to an affirmative view.

Below is an outline of three steps to uncover past experiences that may be replaying in your sub consciousness.

  • Familiarize yourself with your money background: Working with clients, I request straightforward explanations to intriguing questions regarding money in their childhood and how money has come to them in the present. Ask yourself the questions below to help pinpoint contrary beliefs that may be hindering your progress.

  • What is the money history from your childhood? What did you observe, experience or listen to regarding money?

  • Who taught you about money? Who was the significant person that affected your thinking about money?

  • Comprehend the effect your money history has on you currently: After classifying your past experiences and observations about money, you will next review the way this story influence your money actions and decisions. Ask the next questions below.

  • In what ways did past money experiences and observations appear in your current behavior? This includes, monetarily, your feelings, materially, faith or religion. It also includes any other affects these moments have had on your present life.

  • What is the bottom-line idea in the money story? Some examples are:

  • I don’t manage money well.

  • Too much money will decrease my faith.

  • I dislike people that have lots of money.

  • Doing work you enjoy will not make you wealthy.

  • Recondition your behavior: After becoming knowledgeable of your money history and it’s affect on your current actions, you are now ready to reorganize your thinking. One of the best methods to re-program your thinking is by placing a rubber band on your wrist and snapping yourself for every negative thought that surfaces in your mind regarding money. This works because you become upset and sore from this action. In case you want a milder path, keep a journal to record of every negative thought and prove why it’s false. Write down the instances, where your life has demonstrated the opposite.

Being completely honest, I went through this process a few times discovering deterring beliefs about money that I have accepted subconsciously through life. My parents gave me excellent money management knowledge and also implanted that financial security derives from money earned and perks. Basically, being an employee provides financial security – but this belief is not supportive for a business owner. I changed my thoughts to believe that I could depend on myself.

This practice of analyzing your money beliefs can be more significant than creating a financial plan or knowing your current financial position to decrease debts and accumulate wealth. You need a strong financial foundation which is your conscious and sub conscious state of mind.